April 26th, 2024

Draft today went pretty well. I went 2-0 and split the last round with a deck with 0 rares. My prize packs had a Vaultborn Tyrant too, a card that's worth $25. The real prize I got today though was this. The regular print of this card has gone up to like $60, while this version is only about $40, so getting it for $25 is really good. It is a little curled, but I think I need to get a humidifier pack for some other foils anyway, plus I need to buy some stuff to clean the coffee grinder with anyway. I've honestly spent a little more money than I think I should be (I was very slightly in the red compared to my last paycheck when I checked earlier today), but I think I'll be ok for now. I just need to be more mindful of how much I'm spending.